Globally, only 5 percent of the natural lands at high risk of development are protected. Demands on land and water continue to increase, so we must do more, fast.
The Nature Conservancy has led the way in saving many of the most iconic landscapes on Earth. Together, we can secure healthy food and clean water for all people without sacrificing the environment.
Globally, we're fostering innovations in technology, collaborating with communities to use resources more efficiently and promoting policies that enable sustainability.
In Australia, we’re helping to create a more sustainable Murray-Darling Basin—often referred to as the ‘Food Bowl of Australia’—and protecting important landscapes across our country.

Places We Protect
Cuttaburra National Park
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) celebrates a significant milestone in the fight against biodiversity loss, celebrating the establishment of Cuttaburra National Park in NSW.
TNC supports Australia's commitment to 30x30
In November 2023, The Nature Conservancy, Pew, the Australian Land Conservation Alliance (ALCA) and WWF-Australia released the 'Pathways to 30x30' report. It gives four clear recommendations in order to reach 30x30.

Places We Protect
The Blue Carbon Opportunity
Harnessing the powerful carbon capture abilities of coastal wetlands to fight climate change.
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