Crucial support from our supporters have done so much to help make game-changing conservation possible in Australia—this amazing place we call home. Here we take a moment to reflect on what a difference was made in 2017.
Our donors helped us tackle some of the biggest challenges affecting our oceans, lands, climate, fresh water and cities.
Here are some critical conservation achievements made possible:

Rescued forgotten shellfish reefs
- Restored around 600m2 of shellfish reef at Wilson Spit and Hobsons Bay in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria. That’s nearly the size of a soccer field.
- Created four hectares of a shellfish reef as part of the largest reef restoration project in the southern hemisphere in Gulf St Vincent, South Australia.
These reefs will help improve water quality, prevent shore erosion and become homes for an array of marine plant and wildlife.
Ensured water for plants and wildlife in the Murray-Darling Basin
- Directed water from the Murray River to replenish a nationally significant wetland near Shepparton, northern Victoria. It supported several important and threatened plant species and wildlife. Two weeks after the watering we even saw an Eastern Long-necked Turtle laying eggs in the area!
Reduced greenhouse gas emissions and helped preserve Indigenous lands
- Created new jobs for Indigenous groups in northern Australia to help conserve their land through traditional and science-based burning practices. This vital work prevented 700,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases from being released into our atmosphere. That’s the equivalent of taking nearly 120,000 cars off the road.
Laid the groundwork to reduce air pollution in cities
- Mapped the location and density of trees in Melbourne so we know where to plant trees to reduce air pollution—a strategy that could vastly improve the health of the city’s people and wildlife.
2017 was a huge year for conservation. And these are just a few of the vital projects made possible.
We’re so lucky to have such passionate supporters around Australia. Every story shared, every time action is taken to protect our natural world, we’re making a huge difference to conserve nature for now and the future.
You're the generation that can drive change - Help us protect Australia's future.
Your support can help make a lasting difference.